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Inspiration By Lesego Masango

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

After being taught Habakkuk 2 a couple of years ago, I decided to start doing a vision board that would be easy to follow and undertake. Last year, I managed to get 2 goals out of 4 fully done; the other 2 will have to fall into this year as they were not attained. But advances have been made toward them. Am I mad at myself? No. Am I disappointed? No. I know God loves me regardless of achieved goals or not. 2021 was a very tough year. My mom lost her husband. I lost my dad. My siblings lost their beloved Papa. Our kids saw us burying their grandfather. He actually passed away the morning of my son’s 16th birthday, was buried when his granddaughter (my younger sister’s daughter) turned a month old, and the next day was my 40th birthday. That entire week felt like a dream, but I promise you, I held back all my tears; I had to be strong for Mama as the firstborn child at home. The Lord God, who promised to be with us even in the midst of storms, held my hand – He never let it go. And today I can declare that we grieved with grace (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). 2 months later, my dad’s stepmom also went to be with the Lord. Phew, it was tough.

You may have been in a storm like our family had been. The Covid-19 pandemic also brought along its own challenges. Marriages were struck hard. Retrenchments skyrocketed. Businesses closed. School systems were severely affected. Women and kids suffered at the hands of perpetrators. Mental health issues also escalated. South Africa went through an unrest in July. It was just too hectic for our hearts. And in all these situations, you may have been asking: “God, where are You? Why have you forsaken me?

At some stage, the sons of Korah felt that way (see the Psalms), and in their wondering, they went to the only One who knew them best, so they would not wander and drift (Psalm 42:5). We should also do the same; run to the true God who is able to carry our burdens without feeling any strain (Matthew 11:28).

My dear friend, when you find yourself hesitant about where to look right now or where to go, fix your eyes on Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. The reason for doing this is that we walk not by sight, but by faith. And in the times in which we find ourselves, we should have an “even now” faith: we need to believe that God is still in the business of making a way. He has not forgotten about us. He sees us. The new year is upon us and we can’t remain in the past. Our minds and attitudes should focus solely on the newness that God has in store for us. We must have a positive outlook on life so that when this year ends, we can harvest bountifully.

Your success lies in being intentional to fulfill your purpose and make bold steps towards your destiny. Don’t allow this past year’s failures to dictate the outcome of this new one. The Lord is saying unto you, His precious child, “Arise and shine.” This is the right time for you to be courageous because within you, lies the most powerful Spirit of the living God. And this Spirit that resides within you grants you authority each day to work hard, be cheerful, be grateful and love those around you. This Spirit gives you the power to grab opportunities that God brings before you because His favour lasts forever and His favour is upon you. The Lord’s Spirit within you says, “Arise and shine.”

That diploma/ degree that you have been procrastinating to work on – now is the time to challenge it head on. Start that podcast or YouTube channel. The ministry that you have been putting on hold, that book you have been planning to write, the driver’s license test you have been postponing, child of the living God, encourage yourself in the Lord and go for it! You have the Lord on every side for it to prosper.

Make it a point that, on daily basis, you read and study the Word of God, more so scriptures relevant to your current situation. Make daily affirmations and declarations based on the Word because the power of life and death lies in the tongue. Be mindful of what you consume, in terms of current affairs and reports which come through social media, as these can be disheartening. Try to be in the midst of enthusiasts because cynics can break your positivity. Take each day as it comes, and always invite God by ensuring that you make known all your plans to Him. If they are not in His will, they may not manifest.

I want to take this opportunity to pray with you. Make prayer a daily habit. Pray without ceasing.

Heavenly Father, I come before Your throne right now to praise and magnify Your Holy Name. I praise You for ensuring that we made it to this day and can enter Your courts with thanksgiving. Lord, I bring before You myself and all my friends reading this post: may Your mighty, righteous hand firmly hold them. May they see You for who You are – a loving Father, a caring Father. May we all find courage and hope in You for better days. I ask this in the Name above all names, the name of Jesus Christ, My Saviour. Amen.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23

Be Inspired


Women of Reverence welcomes our guest contributor Lesego Masango

Lesego is married to Dr. Mxolisi Thulani Masango and they have been blessed with 4 handsome boys. She is an author of 2 books, God’s Radiant Light and Anchored in Love, a 40-day devotional. She is a youth mentor at her local church, a laboratory technologist by profession, co-founder of the Worthy Women of Purpose ministry, a member of the Chosen Wives’ ministry and Deborah Arise network. God has also led her to be a columnist for Thuba Pelo Mosadi Let’s Talk mag. She has hosted a Bible study based on Anchored in Love, which has been turned into a podcast found on Spotify and Anchor Fm.

Instagram @lgmodib

Facebook: Lesego Modibedi Masango/ Lesego Masango Author

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