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As I sip my morning coffee, I can't get that classic tune out of my head – you know, the one that goes, "The moment I wake up, before I put on my make-up, I say a little prayer for you..." The devotion and hope in those lyrics just warm my heart. She starts her days by lifting her loved one up in prayer and continues throughout her day, believing that he will return home safely from the war.

Then I start wondering – is her belief based on faith or on Biblical hope that he will return home? Is there a difference?

Here is what I have discovered so far:

Hebrews 11:1 (TPT) says, “Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.”

Faith is the foundation.... It is a firm belief in God and His Word. It assures us of God’s goodness and faithfulness. My faith clings to His promises to provide, guide, protect, and work on our behalf.

Hope, in a Biblical sense, is not just wishful thinking, as the world defines it. Biblical hope is a confident expectation based on the promises of God. While faith anchors me in the past and present of what Jesus has done for me, hope propels me into the future, with the assurance of what Jesus will still do – He is not done with me!

I hope for a future where my business thrives, enabling me to maintain a flexible schedule and be fully present in my daughter's life. I anchor my faith in the truth, the fact that God deeply cares about the desires He has placed in my heart and that He has good plans to bless and prosper my efforts (Psalm 37:4; Philippians 4:19; Jeremiah 29:11).

I know life can feel so hard sometimes. I hope this song and blog encourage you to lean on faith and hope! Have faith to stay rooted in God's promises, every day, and hope to keep your eyes on the good things He has in store for tomorrow. Keep trusting God's word and hold onto hope for the future.

And the song continues in my head... “Forever (Forever), and ever (ever), you'll stay in my heart, and I will love you..."

The woman in the song has faith that God is protecting her loved one and based on her daily faith she has a confident hope (expectation) that he will return safely. How beautiful is it to see how these two work together?

Written by: Zelda Muller, Founder and Lead Coach at TreasuredMe (

Women of Reverence welcomes guest contributor Zelda Muller.

Zelda is a wife, mom, certified Life Coach and Founder of TreasuresMe. Her passion is to inspire women to embrace their worth as cherished treasured of Jesus and to fulfil their God-given purpose. With years of experience in business and advanced coaching qualifications, Zelda is well-equipped to guide and support her clients on their journey. She enjoys a good cup of coffee, being creative, quality time with loved ones, reading and listening to worship music 24/7.

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