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Resolve to be authentically you - by Lusanda Dlamini


uary is such an interesting month – to some it is Jan[worry] and to some it is a “wake up call” month! People go through different emotions! As a person born this month, in the first week of it, I am so aware of both Jan[worry] and “wake-up call” noise in my head.

Every start of the year I am reminded how old I am. This normally brings such a FEAR in my heart. For many years, I have felt I am regressing instead of progressing and or growing. The fear of failure was my normal and we became best friends! Little did I know that this so called ‘best friend’ was my worst enemy.

Fear of failure became such a stronghold in my life and it resulted in me questioning the dreams and desires placed in my heart. I asked myself many questions! It is normal for someone like me who has made so many mistakes in life to have such BIG dreams? What do I have to show that I can? Can I really do it? What if ……. I could not help it! I have always been a big dreamer. I have these huge, seemingly impossible dreams!

Dr Myles Munroe said “the Cemetery is the wealthiest place in the world”.

I quote, “ In the Cemetery lies dreams that were never fulfilled , books that were never written , ideas that never became reality , visions that were never manifested ,paintings that were never painted , songs that were never written , books that we will never read, great manufacturing plants that will never be built , sermons that were never preached , the graveyard is pregnant with unused success, buried in the cemetery is treasure that makes God weep”

The definition of resolve is settling or finding a solution to a contentious matter. I had to decide firmly on a course of action.

I knew something had to change. The dreams in my belly were pushing themselves out wanting to be birthed. Surely I can’t keep putting my dreams aside because of what if…….. So what if I fail – it just means try again! Reflect and try again! Don’t camp there, re-strategize and move on!

So on the 24th of November 2018 while attending a workshop called Destiny Activator by Heather Church – the Holy Spirit spoke very clearly said - it is time! A few weeks prior to attending the workshop, I asked God to give me a scripture for the year 2019. He gladly dropped Mathew 14 vs 25 to 32 in my heart. Matthew 14 vs 25 – 32 “And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. 26 But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid” 28 And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water” 29 He said, “Come,” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me”. 31 Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” 32 And when they go into the boat, the wind ceased.

I sensed the Holy Spirit say:

· Risk with me

· Partner with me

· Take steps of faith

· I am right there with you

· Don’t doubt

· Although you are walking on water – I am the solid ground underneath

Later on while reading an article in a business magazine the Holy Spirit highlighted this statement, “Don’t compete with anyone instead collaborate”. In that moment I knew God wanted me to collaborate with like-minded women in the dreams He has given me.

So once I figured that I am the main barrier to my dreams. I decided the course of action will be:

· To allow myself to authentically be me – dream and dream big!

· To wholeheartedly trust God even if it does not make sense to me

· Learn to take it one step at a time – it is a marathon race and not a sprint

· To celebrate every milestone and victory – no matter how small or big

· To be uncomfortable so that He can get the glory

· To accept His timing – our God is sovereign

· To accept that failure is not my final destination but an opportunity to pause and try again

Just like Jesus resolved in His heart, no matter the pain – He will go to the cross to be crucified for our sins so that we may be reconciled with the Father. We have to take certain steps not just for us but for those that God has placed in our path for them to see that God has a destiny and purpose for each and every individual.

What do you resolve to do in 2020? You can apply the following steps as a start:

· Write it down

· Share it with your trusted friend, mentor and or coach and ask them to keep you accountable

· Pace yourself – it is a marathon race

· Pray – prayer changes situations

· Listen to the Holy Spirit and obey

· Learn one or two scriptures that remind you that God is faithful

· And just believe

Much Love


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