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FREEDOM by Shaheeda Ntini

It is for freedom that we have been saved; we are called to live free. How do we, as children of God, allow ourselves to live in this freedom we have been afforded by Jesus Christ our Lord?

The Father saw it fit to sacrifice His only begotten Son for each one of us. Jesus Christ gave up all His divine privileges to live as a man, among a sinful people. He went on to give up His life through death, and death on a cross. He died for our sins committed today, tomorrow and yesterday, He died a humiliating death so that we don’t have to. Therefore, we are free to choose life and not die. Jesus is waiting for every one of us to choose Him. By his death, we were granted access to the Holy of Holies: the veil was torn so that we who are being saved can have access to God, where in the past we needed a mediator and sacrifice to talk to God. However, Jesus achieved that through dying on the cross. Now we can approach the throne of Grace boldly and freely to make our requests and petitions known to God.

We sometimes fall and sin; they can be small sins or big sins (but sin remains sin). The open door policy that Jesus made possible, is the call that even though all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, we can go to Jesus, and our heavenly Father, no matter our sins. We can present our case and repent of our sins. And the God of grace will hear our prayers and answer them. I have failed time and time again; I sinned and it was difficult to pray. I just felt sick to my soul and was unable to pray or serve. I condemned myself and the enemy held a court case to condemn me. However, Jesus is so gracious – the Holy Spirit ministered to my heart, day and night, that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. I hope someone is reminded of this immeasurable grace from God that is a gift for all. Maybe you find yourself backsliding or condemned by the enemy because of sin. Admit your sin, repent and invite Jesus into your heart and He will redeem you. He will lavish His love upon you. Declare the freedom we have in Christ so that you might live free.

It is a journey (and a pleasant one) with Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus is waiting for us to call on Him. The Holy Spirit is our advocate; He is our helper and walks with us on this journey called Life. God is love.

- Shaheeda

Women of Reverence welcomes our guest contributor Shaheeda Ntini

A Speech Language Therapist, an Audiologist and an entrepreneur. Shaheeda completed her degree at University of Witwatersrand (Wits). She is currently working in Zimbabwe.

"I started my own private practice a few years ago. It’s been a fun and challenging journey of learning to run a business.

I'm also a Sunday school teacher at our church; and part of the young adults ministry. I'm passionate about communication development and children's development. I'm always challenged by the scripture that says “and there rose a generation that did not know the Lord”. We must teach our kids, raise our children to know Jesus! I'm not a mother yet but this scripture challenges me to pray for the next generation. I enjoy a cup of coffee and deep conversations. A little bit of travel and reading! I'm also starting a campaign on raising awareness on Communication Disorders, Speech and Hearing Therapy in Zimbabwe. Learn more about my business and campaign me on Facebook @SASH THERAPY and Instagram @sash_therapy "

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