Women of Reverence

Jul 22, 20213 min


A friend recently said that with all major world events like wars or even epidemics, people tend to go into shock. The shock comes with the realisation that life as they know it has been turned upside down by events completely outside of their control. These are consequences and changes that they could not fathom would ever be part of their lives.

The reality is we get shock or trauma even if no major world events happen: when we lose loved ones, or are in accidents; when we are betrayed by friends or spouses, or we lose our jobs; when our finances are rock-bottom and maybe our kiddies are bullied or struggle wherever they are. So many things can happen that rock our worlds. Sometimes even a small argument with our dearest loved ones can rock a boat that is already slightly off-keel, making it feels increasingly unsteady.

I have been reminded of this scripture often in these times:

James 4 v 13 – 15 (NKJV): Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 15 Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that…

I catch myself living my life like this many times – planning and believing things will work as I planned. But then life happens, shockwaves enter and I am humbled. This part in James compares this type of ‘planning’ with pride; that’s why I say I have been humbled. I have arrogantly planned my life without Jesus as the centrepiece. Times or events of shock bring this reality back – we are but a vapour…

The hope in difficult times is that although we are flimsy and feeble, we serve a God that is not. He is our Rock, He is our Refuge, He is our Strength.

He is God.

Sometimes in our own feebleness we can try to bring God down to our man-made level. We try to fit an Eternal Master of the Universe into our man-made boxes of understanding.

He remains God, even if we try to box Him in; our hope therefore lies in seeing Him as He is. Our Eternal Life starts when we accept His Godship. Our fellowship with Him creates Hope. As we gaze into His countenance and spend time at His feet, it is then that the things of this world really grow strangely dim (like that old song says).

John 17 v 3 (NKJV): And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

The word ‘know’ in Greek also means to perceive and feel. It is not to just ‘know of’ someone but to know them intimately. Our hope lies in our knowing of the Eternal Father. He is immoveable and unshakeable.

We can then write, sing or declare, like the writer of Psalm 71:

​1 In You, O Lord, I put my trust;

Let me never be put to shame.

2 Deliver me in Your righteousness, and cause me to escape;

Incline Your ear to me, and save me.

3 Be my strong refuge,

To which I may resort continually;

You have given the commandment to save me,

For You are my rock and my fortress.


The writer cried out to God in his time of trouble and found the truth – that God is indeed a Rock, He is a Hiding place, a shelter. He made the choice to resort to this Rock continually (verse 3b).

In the times when I can sense the shockwaves of whatever ‘bomb’ hit my life, I choose to go to the Rock. I meditate on my God being a Refuge. I envision myself sprawled over the Rock that cannot move. I cling to that Rock for dear life – that is my only source of strength and hope.

I encourage you to keep going to that Rock to find the Strength that emanates from Him. Our lives will never be predictable – the only surety we have is that God is a Rock. He never moves, no matter what the size of the storm and waves. Sprawl yourself on Him and find continued hope, and even joy, in hard times.



Liesl Mare is one of our contributors. Read her full bio here.
