Women of Reverence

Apr 19, 20233 min


The sky flickered brightly as a bolt of lighting flashed through it. A loud clap of thunder echoed over the valley as the bolt hit the ground. She was scared. My daughter hates the sound of thunder and called out to me. ‘Mom, come lie with me!’ I was there in an instant. I cuddled up to her and she squeezed my hand tightly.

The storm raged around us. I could feel her body relax as I held her snugly. She was safe in the arms of her mom. Within a short time, her grip on my hand relaxed and she was sound asleep.

The storm reminded me of how quickly the evening went from a calm, balmy night, to one where we both had to navigate through a hectic electric storm. Some transition is sudden and over in an instant, but most transition lasts a while and we need to navigate it carefully in order to cross over to the other side. We need to seek His loving, safe arms to hold and protect us, as we overcome fear and journey through the unknown.

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NLT): ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.’

Transition is never easy and, at times, it feels like being caught up in a raging storm that threatens to engulf us. Whether it is moving from one city to another, or making the epic move to another country, it can seem overwhelming. Starting to date someone, getting married or having your first child are all moving from one rite of passage to another. Getting divorced or being diagnosed with a dreaded disease involves some form of change. Each transition in our life evokes new emotions. We need to recalibrate to deal with these new emotions. We need to adjust habits and change our daily routines to accommodate change.

Change is never easy. Some tackle it with more energy than others. Most people, however, resist change. But change does not have to be overwhelming if we know what to hold onto. Jesus is the rock on which we stand and our anchor that steadies us in storms. He quietens the voices that disrupt us during the season of transition. He speaks hope and comfort into our hearts. His arms are safe, holding us tight. He leads us as we step out of one door and into the next.

Some lessons I have learnt during my seasons of transitions:

Seek God for a scripture as you embark on transition and read that scripture during the moments of fear and doubt

• If someone confirmed the transition through a prophetic word, hold onto that prophecy with faith

Silence the inner voices of fear and anxiety or the feeling of being overwhelmed by filling your home, daily, with worship

Be careful of who you surround yourself with during transition as this can be a vulnerable time. It may be helpful to have only a few trusted friends journey with you through the transition

• Know that this season will soon pass and God will lead you through the transition into a place of victory

Isaiah 43:19 (NLT): ‘For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.’



Women of Reverence welcomes Sharon De Beer as our guest blogger for this week.

Sharon is a mother of a beautiful daughter called Lulu. As a single woman she embarked on the journey of adoption later in life. She decided to draw on the strength of her church community to help her raise her daughter. She is part of the leadership and prophetic team at Glenridge Church.

She worked for Unilever for over 12 years where she gained extensive business experience in marketing related positions. She established a marketing department and worked at Pakco for 2 years. She is an entrepreneur who has run a photography and marketing consultancy business called Alive Marketing. She has also worked for a dynamic NGO called Zoe-Life that is an innovative South African capacity building and development organization working in the field of public health and social transformation.

She has a passion for seeing people step into all that God has destined for their lives. She loves connecting with people and seeing how she can support them to succeed in life. She joined Red Light, an anti-human trafficking organization in 2012 and led a team on the streets to help vulnerable woman encounter the love of God.

She is an adventurous person who has travelled to many countries to experience different cultures and places. She appreciates being in nature and surrounded by trees and mountains. She enjoys going for walks on the beach and chilling out with a good cup of coffee with friends.
