Women of Reverence

Jan 29, 20212 min


Productivity means that you go to bed at night feeling “accomplished” for the day. It means that you were able to get the things done that needed to be done in a certain time frame.

Being productive is not always easy, it takes time and commitment, but it is achievable with the right mindset!

Here are 6 tips on how to be productive:

1.Make goals.

Rather make smaller, achievable goals that are realistic. This way, you can reach for those bigger goals that you have with action plans in place. Smaller goals contribute to seeing the progress and promotes consistency.

2.Use a planner/journal.

By writing out your to-do list, activities, goals, work, things that need to get done, you can physically see and track your progress. By using a planner/journal, you can tick off your tasks and this also will help you feel more accomplished and satisfied at the end of the day.

3.Have a daily routine.

When we follow a daily routine, we feel less sluggish and more in control of our day. Routines help you even feel more optimistic and lower stress levels. Routines promote better sleep as well as a calmer and more in control household. Routines contribute to healthier daily habits too!

4.Have a clear vision.

Knowing what your vision is for your day, week, month, or year will contribute to the action steps that you need to take towards achieving your end goal. Give yourself 5 minutes each morning to meditate on God’s Word and in prayer and ask Him to help make your “why” clear for you.

5.Do not multitask.

Most people believe that multitasking helps you get more things done in the less time, however when we try and multitask, we are not giving each task our 100%. We end up giving 5 different things only 20% of our attention. This does not help with being productive at all.

Take one task at a time and complete it to the best of your ability then move on to the next.

6.Know your end dates/deadlines.

When you are clear on when a task must be completed, you are able to plan and act on getting them done. Make sure you set those smaller goals as smaller action steps to reach the end goal/deadline.

Always remember that the Lord is with you, when you feel overwhelmed, ask Him to guide your steps and heart when you plan, make goals and work on being productive.

With love,

Ellie @DoitallwithEllie

Women Of Reverence welcomes Ellie Botha as a guest blogger.

I create motivational and encouraging posts about Homemaking and Motherhood. I am married to the love of my life and SAHM to beautiful twin girls. I am passionate about encouraging women with FAITH. Leaving a positive footprint in their hearts!

I am a Blogger, Podcast Host, on The Blossomed Homemaker Podcast,eCourse creator and Productivity Coach with a passion for women and moms to help them THRIVE inside their own homes.
